Free Edge Studio
updates & changes
I know a lot of you love bringing people with you to your appointments and I always love the extra company, but the studio is cozy and meant for one of one services. Please let me know if you will be bringing any children, friends, or family to your appointment or trials.
If you don't need an appointment, but would like to purchase a gift certificate or product PLEASE LET ME KNOW and I will schedule you a time to stop in to do so.
Designs are always an add on to a service and never included.
Saturdays and Sundays are exclusive for event and wedding services and or appointments. These appointments can only be made with a staff member. So if you are interested in booking a service or your wedding date and don't see it available. It's because those type of appointments need to be made after a consultation. Just send in an email and we will get back to you!
If you need to cancel an appointment, please do so at least 24 hours before hand. If canceling or No-showing to an appt you are subject to a $50 cancelation fee. If not paid that day it will be added to your next appt.
COVID-19 has affected all of us personally and economically and is still among us. PLEASE if you are sick, think you are starting to get sick, have flu like symptoms of any kind. Please understand that you are subject to your appointment being moved to a date when you are better or canceled.
When you arrive at the Studio for your appointment, please send me a text and wait in your car until you receive a message from me letting you know I am ready for you to come in. This is allowing me to properly clean and disinfect my space before your appointment. Once you have access to enter. I am leaving the decision up to you whether you would like to wear a mask or not. I also do not need to know if you are vaccinated or not, seeing as that is your personal health information and not of my concern.
When entering the Studio you will be asked to use hand sanitizer before sitting down or touching anything.
In a condensed version
Appointments only
Designs are always an add on
NO-showing or canceling same day will result in a $50 cancelation fee
No walk ins, even for product or gift purchase
A face masks is a personal choice, you would like to wear one
If you are bringing anyone with you PLEASE LET ME KNOW
Use of hand sanitizer before entering is a must
Remain in your car until you receive a “ready” text
Last and most importantly, if you are sick, have recently been sick, or have been exposed to someone who is sick please reschedule your appointment.
Thank you guys for all of your understanding, love and support!!